Partners & Certifications

Drive business forward by partnering with us

We’re proud to partner with top-notch companies to deliver services we can be proud of.

We believe technology should enable organizations to be the absolute best at what they do. This commitment to customer success is why Loop Technologies Co Ltd is recognized as the premier strategic managed service and security partner to strategic IT leaders across Cameroon.

Why our credentials are important

At Loop Technologies Co Ltd, we promise our clients premium service and expertise. Our elite certifications and industry partnerships are one of the biggest reasons why we can make that promise with confidence.

We’ve configured our operations to comply with the highest data handling standards, so we stay ahead of the regulatory asks for every industry. Our growing national footprint gives us the opportunity to have deep relationships with the companies that provide our tools and networks. We’re putting this expertise to work for you, every day, through better trained service personnel, and cutting-edge products and packages.

Google Cloud Partner

Loop Technologies Co Ltd being a Google Cloud partner signifies ourstrong collaboration and alignment with Google Cloud’s vision and solutions. As a trusted partner, Loop Technologies can leverage Google Cloud’s resources, expertise, and support to deliver cutting-edge cloud solutions that drive business growth and success for their clients.

Microsoft Cloud Certified

Loop Technologies’ Microsoft Azure Cloud certification demonstrates their proficiency in leveraging the power of Azure technologies for their clients’ cloud needs. With Azure Cloud certification, Loop Technologies Co Ltd can architect and deploy scalable and secure cloud solutions, empowering businesses to leverage the full potential of Microsoft Azure for their digital transformation journey.

Aws Cloud Certified

Loop Technologies’ AWS Cloud certification demonstrates our deep knowledge and expertise in leveraging the power of Amazon Web Services. As an AWS Cloud certified company, Loop Technologies Co Ltd is equipped to design, deploy, and manage scalable and secure cloud solutions, helping their clients unlock the full potential of AWS for their business needs.

Oracle Cloud Certified

Loop Technologies’ Oracle Cloud certification showcases their expertise in harnessing the capabilities of Oracle Cloud technologies. As an Oracle Cloud certified company, Loop Technologies Co Ltd is well-equipped to deliver innovative and efficient cloud solutions, leveraging Oracle’s comprehensive suite of services and platforms to drive business growth and success for their clients.

How we work with our partners

At Loop Technology Co Ltd, we treat our partners with the utmost respect and expect the same in return. We believe that the key to fostering any good relationship is finding the right balance between the give and the take.

We pride ourselves on striking the perfect harmony between the two so that our relationships can flourish to full potential.


Proven Track Record


Customer Satisfaction


We Have Completed


Industry Leader

Contact us

Partner with Us for Comprehensive IT

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

Your benefits:
What happens next?

We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meeting 


We prepare a proposal 

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